TechBytes Episode 12: Novell Sold for Microsoft Gains
on November 23rd, 2010 at 6:11 PM
Direct download as Ogg (1:17:07, 28.7 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (35.3 MB)
Summary: Special episode discussing Novell’s sale and Microsoft’s patent play, including a discussion about hardware products
THIS is the show where, without preparation, the three of us discuss Novell’s sale. Tim’s site, OpenBytes, has already published some show notes. We’ve had some audio issues throughout the show, so pardon occasional background noises/echo.
Today’s show ends with “Heart of Medieval”. We hope you will join us for future shows and spread the word if you enjoy this show. Also consider subscribing to the show via the RSS feed. If you have an account, consider subscribing to TechBytes in order to keep up to date.
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